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Meet The Characters

Teaching, Inspiring and Guiding children through play

The Pop-Up Pop-In characters are ready to collaborate with your school or organisation.

Each brimming with their own unique personalities and specially designed to inspire, captivate and create a delightful and enriching experience.

Our lovable characters engage children in a journey of self-discovery, where they can unleash their creativity, develop a passion for physical activity, and cultivate essential emotional intelligence skills.

Let’s work together to infuse joy, learning, and inspiration into the lives of your children.


The Art Pirate

Meet Woody the art pirate the creative one of the group. With a paintbrush in his hand and a mind bursting with imagination, Woody is always ready to unleash a world of colours, shapes, and artistic wonders. Whether it’s painting, drawing, or crafting, Woody’s vibrant personality and boundless creativity serve as an endless source of inspiration for children to express themselves through art.

teaching through play - Woody the arty pirate.


The Sporty Turtle

Meet Burt, the energetic and enthusiastic athlete of the bunch. From football to cricket, running to cycling, Burt is constantly on the move. Encouraging children to embrace an active and healthy lifestyle, with a passion for sports and a zest for friendly competition. Burt’s contagious spirit ignites a love for physical activity, teamwork, and the joy of being active outdoors.

Coming soon!

Choo Choo

The Mindfulness Bear

Meet Choo Choo the gentle soul who radiates tranquility and serenity. Choo Choo is the soothing presence that brings peace and mindfulness to Pop-up Pop-in. Through her relaxation techniques, deep breaths and moments of quiet reflection. Choo Choo instills a sense of calmness and emotional well-being in children, helping them navigate through the challenges of everyday life with grace and resilience

Coming soon!

Pop-up Pop-in has created these lovable characters that encourage learning though play, help reduce waste and alleviate those shrinking budgets.

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