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This Policy covers all photography taken at any events hosted or attended by Pop-up Pop-in.  It is based on guidance provided by the Information Commissioner’s Office, the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which came into force in 2018.

The regulations will always guide our actions in this area, although it is hoped that common sense and goodwill will be applied by all parties.  It is often the case that unjustified fear of breaching the provisions of Data Protection legislation stops people taking photographs or videos of activities.  And we believe that, subject to sensible and legal constraints as set out below, taking photographs of children within these settings is appropriate. Parents have important rights in relation to this area, and we are committed to respecting them.

It is important to remember that whilst in the past an “opt out” approach was often used in this area, that is no longer lawful following the introduction of the GDPR; parents and, where appropriate, participators must specifically and actively “opt in”.

Pop-up Pop-in will never use a photograph of any child unless permission has been received.  By booking an event through the website you are agreeing to photographs being taken. That been said you can refuse at anytime and we always double check verbally on the day. Permission must be based on a full understanding of the context and purpose of the photograph. 

For the purposes of this Policy, the word “photograph” includes any kind of still or moving image with or without sound and whether stored/transmitted electronically or as hard copy. Where the Act does apply, a common-sense approach suggests that the photographer asks for permission to take a photograph, which will usually be enough to ensure compliance.

When photographs are taken for official use by Pop-up Pop-in children and parents along with other attendees will be advised that they are being taken.

Photographs taken purely for personal use are exempt from the terms of the legislation.

For example:

·         a parent takes a photograph of his or her child with some friends during a Festival to be put in the family album – these images are for personal use and Data Protection legislation does not apply as far as Pop-up Pop-in is concerned.

·         a photograph is taken by a local newspaper of an event Pop-up Pop-in is hosting or attending: if Pop-up Pop-in has agreed to this, and the children and/or their parents, clients and/or any other attendee are aware that photographs of the event may appear in the newspaper, this will not be a breach of the legislation.

The above examples cover data protection issues, but we should also be sensitive to the views of attendees who are included in photographs. The following good practice will be adopted by Pop-up Pop-in.

· It is important to be particularly sensitive when photographing children participating in activities such as messy play and sports.

· Be mindful of the event we are attending and/or hosting to see if it is appropriate to take photographs due to safeguarding issues and/or similar reasons.

· Regarding consent, for a child under 13 years of age it should be obtained from his/her parent(s).

Pop-up Pop-in takes personal data very seriously, particularly considering the General Data Protection Regulations which came into force in 2018.  Among other things, this means that a) we will not publish any photograph of your child without your active consent; and b) we will remove all photographs upon request, if you change your mind.

You always have the right to refuse permission to take photographs and we will always respect your decision.

Pop-up Pop-in will only use photographs relatable to our business and post on our social media Instagram, Facebook and Website. We do not save images as hard files, but they can be found on galleries and previous posts. Please note that these images might be shared and appear on search engines.

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